I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Monday, July 14, 2014

Sleep Deprived Mama ...

Sleep deprived mama. A term that has become very familiar to me. Oh what time is it you ask? 1:30 am, yup. Sleep has a whole new meaning to me now a days. It is the holy grail of all things! Since I've had Hadley the total amount of sleep I acquire at a time is about 2-3 hours & then she is ready to feed! By the time I feed her, change her, burp her & put her back down about 30min goes by. Not tonight though, this tiny human wants to show off her lung strength & let me tell you its strong! I slept for an hour & a half & now I've been up for 2, yikes! ...Well luckily the night got better after that and I was able to get a few 2 hour stretches of sleep out of her. Phew! Funny how getting to sleep 2-3 hours at a time becomes a good thing! My doctor asked me at my appointment this past week how often she wanted to eat at night, I pleasantly said every 2-3 hrs sometimes a little more! She replied with " wow atleast your positive about it ". What else am I going to do? It sure beats the waking up every 1/2 hour to 45 min the first few weeks! That you would not hear me say in positive tone! Yes I'm absolutely still sleep deprived but not like that ! That was zombie status ! Those were the nights I was crying with her on the boob cause I was so exhausted ! Or it could of been that my nipples didnt really love feeding a baby right away & felt like they were going to fall off. Who knows.Those were the nights I looked at my husband sleeping like a baby & wanted to throw everything in the bedroom at him. After all he could sleep because he didn't carry the magical potion in his pecks. Don't get me wrong he is wonderful & will help out with anything else he can! Can I just go back a few sentences, who came up with "sleeping like a baby"??? I'm sorry but NO I do not want to sleep like a baby, I am sleeping like a baby right now! I want to sleep like a full blown tired adult. You have to love when people say to new moms "sleep when they sleep" oh sure because my day doesn't go by fast enough that I want to sleep it away. I already feel like my morning to night is only a 4 hour spand! There is not enough time in the day as it is! Even though I am adjusting to this sleep pattern I will be looking forward to the post I write in the future that starts off " oh my goodness she slept through the night "! I can dream right ? Fingers crossed to a better night sleep tonight! 

Have a fabulous day! 

If you have time to comment below I would absolutely love some feedback from my readers, if I have any haha ! After all this is my first time EVER blogging ! It would mean a lot. Also, at the top of the page you can now subscribe to emails! If you do you will be notified each time I post something new !! Below I have posted some photos from over the weekend ! Enjoy XO. 





Check me out on instagram//   TorieBliss


  1. Love it !!! Can i throw some things at Nate too!? Hehe :)

  2. I remember them sleepless nights! I would cry when the sun would start to go down ;( but when she hit months I was human again thank god lol!

  3. I used to want to throw things at Josh when I was up feeding all night too! If it makes you feel any better Quinn just started sleeping through the night and she's 5 months! Hang in there momma it does get better believe it or not ��

  4. Amen sista! Luckily jack sleeps better then Leanna does! (Leanna has a sleep abnormality in which her body doesn't require much sleep! She can go three day without sleeping AT ALL!!! Ahhh!!) so I am use to it now and it's pretty sad my two month old sleeps better than my seven year old! I heard it get better though! Lol!! You are for sure right! Whoever said "sleeps like a baby" clearly never had a baby!
