I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Did someone hit fast forward?

As I lay in bed on this rainy day with my little one swinging in her swing next to me all I can think of is time. Where does it go ? How does it go by so fast? Everything seems like it comes and goes in the blink of an eye. Everyone always use to tell me " as you get older time goes by even faster." Ugh I wish they were lying when they told me that ! I'm pretty sure I was just in 8th grade, the year I fell for my husband. He was in 9th & we talked on the phone for hours daily . We would watch tv shows over the phone & laugh for hours! Oh the sweet innocence , no cares in the world. Little did we know the next 13 years were going to flash before our eyes & we were going to be married with a beautiful babygirl ! At that point we didn't even know that by the time we were 16 we would be "boyfriend & girlfriend". I feel like it was yesterday we starting dating, thinking we were soo grown. I worked at an ice cream stand & he would come visit me on his motorcycle. Oh man I thought he was so cool. Let's just hope Hadley is never into a boy on a motorcycle, I know her daddy won't stand for that! We had our break ups here and there and people would say "your young there's other people out there" , "it's just puppy love". Well this was something people were wrong about , no one ever compared to him, it was not puppy love, he is my true love. My soul mate, you can think I'm a cheese ball all you want but we both truly believe there is that one special person in the world for you! We were lucky to find our soulmates so young. So many memories of things that feel like they were yesterday! Highschool, prom, those friends that sadly become strangers, the friends that become closer, vacations, parties, good days, bad days, birthdays, where did it go? Who hit the fast forward button while I wasn't looking? My pregnancy, did it even happen? I look back at pictures from just 7 1/2 weeks ago and feel like it was gone in a flash! My Hadley is 7 1/2 weeks already!!! Almost 2 months ! How? I'm pretty sure it was just yesterday I peed on a stick and got those two fabulous pink lines my husband and I were waiting for! She's growing so quickly! The days just roll into eachother, I want to bottle up the time! As close as I can get to that is taking pictures of all her precious moments ! Hey even the not so precious ! I could remanice all day & sit here shocked about how fast time goes by. But as fast as it goes I am thankful for every single moment. Time is precious, good & bad. Make every moment count, even the ones that don't feel important, they all are.

XO " Hello Hadley "
- Torie   

A little blast from the past,
a glimpse of my husband & I's life

So thankful for one of our child hood friends Kayla for still having this picture.
This was on a double date with her and her now husband Kevin.
Still years later they are two of our bestfriends. So thankful for them.

 Summer 2012
September 29, 2012

 April 2013
 July 5th, 2014
I would love for you to leave me some feedback :) As a first time blogger I would love to know what you think of "Hello Hadley" so far !!
Follow me on instagram // toriebliss