I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Friday, July 11, 2014

Meet Hadley Willow

Meet Hadley Willow the precious baby love that inspired me to start this blog! Just a few days shy of 7 weeks & she has already captured my entire heart. Miss Hadley was born Sunday May 25th at 8:48pm. She was 7lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. It was the most amazing moment of my life! Nine months of dreaming about what my little lady would be like & there she was laying on my chest. Every emotion floods your body, it's love at first sight! No book, blog or person can prepare you for the amazing feeling of meeting your child for the first time! They also can not prepare you for what's to come (I'll save that sleep deprived, diaper blow out, spit up wearing information for another post) Within just a short 7 weeks she's developed into this amazing tiny human ! She's reconizing voices, smiles up a storm & is extremely alert ! Don't tempt her with a good starring contest, she will win! Those big happy eyes could gaze into yours for hours. Squirming & sqeeking is her favorite thing to do ! She's always moving, which is not any different than when I was pregnant with her. My bump always looked as if I was housing an alien, lucky for me I was not. She's extremely content & happy all the time until she realizes she's gone to long without her two best friends, left & right boob! Her big huge smile & the cutest little dimple on her right cheak lights up my world! Watching her grow and change day to day is such a beautiful thing! The smile on her face when I say "goodmorning baby" in my obnoxious over the top baby voice is priceless. It is by far the most amazing way to start any day, even if it doesn't follow a fabulous night sleep. Nothing can take that happiness away from you, not even getting poop all over you at 7am. Yup that was my morning today! Before she was born the thought of poop on me at 7 am would have me repulsed and want to barf! Not now, I couldn't help but laugh as I starred at the look on her face. The look that seemed to say "yes mommy that did just happen, your welcome & good morning". Oh motherhood your so gross yet so glam !! I love my Hadley Willow & being a mommy!

Happy Friday XO
- Torie