I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What NOT To Say To A Pregnant Woman

When I was pregnant I read a lot of blog post labeled " What Not to Say to A Pregnant Woman. " I thought it was hilarious & as a pregnant woman it made me not feel like a total jerk when I would get p*ssed at people. I wasn't alone in how I felt, thank goodness. I thought maybe I was just mean haha. If you are pregnant or have ever been pregnant you will totally get this post !! 

1. " Your getting big/bigger " Umm duh I'm pretty sure there is a child growing inside my womb, were you expecting me to get smaller ?? 

2. " Get all the sleep now while you can " Ohh ok yah cause when your in your third trimester sleeping is a doozie!! Constant bathroom breaks, a baby moving non stop in your belly, back ache.... Shall I continue 

3. " Anything happening yet? " If something was happening you would know & you probably would not need to be asking me that question. 

4. " Would you have that baby already " sure let me tell her to come out for you. The best is when people would say it and it wasn't even my due date yet! If anyone wanted her here it was me, you know the one carrying her around.

5. " Enjoy your last moments of freedom " To me that's rude , having a child is a blessing & a beautiful thing !! It's crazy how many people make those comments  & turn it into something negative. Your life is not ending bringing a child into this world , it is just beginning !! 
I had a random woman say to me recently while I was pushing Hadley in her carriage "enjoy her while she's quiet like this , you have 18 long years ahead of you, did anyone tell you that". I'm sorry but for starters I'm not a dummy, I knew having a child I would care for her until she is "18, a legal adult" but I will personally care for my child forever! She will always be my baby! Being a parent doesn't cut off when they turn 18. Of course I just politely smiled, walked away & vented once she was out of my sight haha
6. Please do NOT tell me your pregnancy/labor horror stories ! Any other time I will be 100% compassionate & listen but not when I am already nervous and paranoid on my own.
You might think what your saying is a nice or funny comment but to a hormonal, sensitive pregnant woman its most likely NOT, they might just want to punch you in the face haha 
Anyone else ever get some crazyyy things said to you while you were pregnant ??
Comment below, I would love to hear it !!
I hope you enjoyed & could at least get a laugh out of this :) !!! & to all those
pregnant mamas out there, if these comments totally irritate you, you are not alone!! You are bigger but beautiful & growing a life inside you. Don't worry you will sleep again, just maybe
not as much as you use to but hey these 9 months of pregnancy are preparing you for that. Any sleep you don't get while you precious little one is here it is TOTALLY worth it! Trust me my first few weeks were VERY sleep deprived. You will have freedom again, just a different kind of freedom. Life as you know it will change but a new beautiful life is just beginning! So when people say stupid things to you just smile, bite your tongue & in your head punch them haha !!