I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Monday, May 25, 2015

To The One Year Old Hadley Willow

Dear The ONE year old Hadley Willow,

You are one today & it gives me goosebumps saying it. It feels like yesterday I was anticipating the day you would be earth side. I was so scared, I had no idea what to expect. The days leading up to your arrival were filled with daydreaming about what you would look like, what would motherhood be like, how would labor feel, would I be a good mom, how was I going to know what to do. I could go on forever about all the things I thought about, read about, talked about. I would sit for hours and watch my belly move like crazy as you moved around inside. It was magical. Now here we are a year later and I'm watching you use those same feet I felt inside my belly take their first steps & it's just as magical. This year has been indescribable, the absolute best one of my life.

The love I have for you I have never felt in my life, It's overwhelming in the best way.

You my dear I would do anything for. Somehow, some way I love you more with each passing day. You have filled a place in my heart that I never even knew existed. You changed me Hadley, completely changed me. 

I am a better person because of you, I am a mom because of you. 

As you have learned new things month to month, I have also learned new things. You have learned to roll over, crawl, your first words, to stand, take steps, feed yourself, drink from a straw, wave, clap, mimic sounds, giggle & so much more. I have learned to put someone elses needs so far above my own, to turn a frown upside down, to change diapers, breastfeed, function without sleep, multitask to the extreme, I've learned a ton of things, the most I've ever learned in a year. 

Most importantly I've learned that I was meant to be a mom, your mom. 

I have truly experience the most amazing thing right before my eyes. I've watched you grow from within my belly and then go from a squishy baby to a little girl. Watching you hit milestones & become your own tiny person has been such a blessing & I'm so proud. 

This year has been full of the most precious moments.

 I started out this year smothering you with hugs and kisses and now I'm ending it getting hugs and kisses from you. As we all stood around you singing Happy Birthday at your party I was flooded with emotions. Even thinking of it right now as I write this gives me tears. I couldn't help but get choked up watching you look at us all with your big brown eyes with your own little cake infront of you.
( you were definitely a little horrified, maybe it was all the people around you, maybe it was our singing) I couldn't stop thinking about the very moment you were born and placed on my chest. I witnessed a miracle right before my eyes & I witness it every single day of my life watching you grow Hadley Willow. Ive been having a hard time figuring out where to end this letter to you because I could go on forever about my first year with you. Just know there is not one thing I would change about this year, it has been pure perfection, just like YOU.  You are a dream come true & I love you more than words , to the moon and back over and over again. Happy First Birthday baby girl !

At 8:48pm on May 25. 2014 was the moment I finally saw your sweet face after carrying you within for 9 months. 
7lbs 1oz 20inches of perfection.

Taking this picture today was emotional (shocking haha everything is making me emotional about you turning you) but this is the last photo in the one year series! Each month on the 25th I made sure to capture a photo to see how much you have changed. (Although I'm pretty sure I have a picture for everyday of this year, maybe more than one) How is it that we are already at the 12th month!

Waiting to be checked out of the hospital. I was so nervous and so excited to finally start our family of 3 (4 including sisi of course) there were lots of tears shed. 

These pictures feel like they were taken yesterday.

These widdle shoes go with headband above. The set is the first thing mommy & daddy purchased for you along with a little dolly when we first found out we were having a girl ! Today a year later the shoes finally fit! 

Some things about this month ...
- 8 teeth
- her favorite word is Dada
- her favorite song is low rider (due to a stuff dog my parents own that sings and dances while playing it) Hadley sings it "do do do do do do do do do do do doooo"
- loves to dance 
- taking steps
- standing without help 
- says "what's that's" mama, dada, nana 
Sisi, elliot, hello
- loves to give kisses
- waves hello & goodbye
- loves to play
- favorite snack, white cheddar baby Cheetos 
- loves bananas 
- hates to nap, she's like the 
Energizer bunny
- loves water 
- loves to cuddle   
Moments captured from today 5.25.15


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