I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Here goes nothing

I figured I would start "Hello Hadley" off by doing a post about why I have decided to enter the blogging world. Hmm well I don't really know why, all I know is I have a lot to share! I am by no means a writer, I spell wrong & I will probably never ever write a complete sentence or it will be a run on (like now) sorry! All I know is I love to talk & I love social media, with that said why not blog!!! Right?
My life has dramatically changed within the last year & I love every second of it ! I went from being a busy hairstylist who took plenty of time perfecting my hair & outfits in the morning to being lucky if the bun on top of my head is straight. Oh and of course make sure I have no breast milk leaking through my shirt.. Hello motherhood! My daily instagram "outfit of the day" has become my beautiful baby girls "outfit of the day" ! Don't get me wrong there are still days where I actually get ready and snap a picture of me. I use to think getting out of the house on time was a struggle & that was just making sure my husband & I were ready to go. Leaving the house now I feel like I am getting ready for a week long vacation. Oh don't let me forget to add the days Hadley poops right when she gets strapped and settled in her car seat, there goes another 10 minutes. I always said that when I had a baby I would still take the time to get ready everyday, hair extensions & full face of make up. Yah OK, I go for the natural approach now, real hair,  no makeup & a shirt with easy access to the boob. Saving those glamorous days for special days, like going to the mall. Yup I said it, the mall ! I'm obsessed with fashion & a huge shopaholic. My closet has been put on hold and my little ones closet is growing at a frantic rate! Like I said my life has changed dramatically & not one thing I would change, I am obsessed with being a mother. Hadley Willow has stole my heart & inspired me to create a blog to talk about her, my family, fashion, DIY & whatever random things pop into this crazy brain of mine.. so I guess that's it, I do know the reason I have decided to blog, my daughter!

I hope you continue to follow my journey

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha omg I can totally relate to everything you just said! It's crazy how much things change once the little baby is actually here. I just started blogging as well! It's so much fun to connect with other moms =)
