I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy 2 Month Birthday Babygirl

As of 8:48 pm our little Hadley Willow will be 2 months. I can not believe it !! I'm not quite sure where these few months have gone but I can tell you they have been the best few months of my life. Being a mommy is the best thing in the world, I can't even express how much I love it. Life as I knew it has changed dramatically but I wouldn't go back for one second ! I can not imagine my life without her !! So much has changed in just a few short months. She is no longer my squishy little newborn, I swear that teeny tiny stage only last like 2 weeks. She is extremely strong, holding her head up like a champ. Not to mention she's almost doubled in size. Hadley was born at 7lbs she's now 12 1/2 !! She's also grown over 2 inches. I've already had to pack away some clothes because she's now wearing 3 month clothing!! It was sad but I love buying her clothes so that helped turn my frown upside down. Smiling & cooing happens all day now & it's soo adorable ! I could stare at that big gummy grin all day long. My absolute favorite thing is how she stares at me ! I'll be holding her & she will just gaze into my eyes with her little fist under her chin. It gets me everytime, I swear I melt into a puddle! She has found her hands and is always sucking on them. Ecspecially when she wants to eat in the middle of the night , I'll hear her slurping them up. Night time feedings are not as often as they were which is exciting. She wakes up twice about 3 to 3 1/2 hours apart. Then after that somedays she will sleep for another few hours!! Lastnight I was up at 1:30, then at 4:30 but then after that we went back to sleep til 9 !! I'll be looking forward to only waking up once or not at all but I don't mind this either. Let's face it even if she was sleeping through the night I would still be waking up the same amount to check on her! She's also recognizing voices now and follows the sound of your voice! I just can't believe how much has changed in 2 months, it's crazy ! She really is a wonderful baby. When she cries it's usually just because she's hungry or needs a diaper change & most of the time she doesn't cry over a dirty diaper. Occasionally she will have a witching hour but rarely ! It use to occur a lot more. For those of you who don't know what a witching hour is (I had no clue) it's a few hours out of the day where your little one will fuss for no reason. For most babies it's later in the day, Hadley's use to be anywhere around 5-8pm. Not that entire time just somewhere in that gap. She does great in the car & in the stroller which makes it easy to do errands! Thank goodness !! Drooling is also a new thing. Especially when she chomping on those hands or some days she's just blowing random bubbles. I just love watching her grow and change. Everyday I find out a little more about her. She's perfect & somedays I still can't believe she's mine. I feel so lucky & blessed. I also feel like I become more & more of a mother everyday & learn new things about myself. Happy 2 months to my daughter, my everything, my heart, my sunshine, my life, my Hadley Willow. 

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