I'm Torie , 26 { s c o r p i o }
Hadley Willows { mum }
Wife { Team NO sleep } Mamarazzi
{ self proclaimed baby stylist } OOTD photographer
{ hairstylist } DIY lover
{ shopaholic } junk food junkie

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hadleys 2 Month appointment !! OH MY!!

Yesterday was miss Hadley's 2 month appointment ! How did that happen??? I have been dreading that appointment since her last one ! Unlike when I was pregnant and couldn't wait to get to the doctors and be checked out ( the hypocondriac that I am ). This appointment was the start of her vaccines ! Sooo scary !! I literally could not sleep at all the night before thinking about it. I was so paranoid ! What if she gets a fever ? What if she's in pain ? What if she has a bad reaction ? It took everything in my power to stay away from that damn Dr. Google or Dr. Web Md. At her appointment I couldn't believe how much she had grown ! She's now 12 1/2 lbs and about 22 1/2 inches long! My little porkie! I told you previously her bestfriends were left & right boob, I wasn't kidding !! She's in the 84th percentile for her weight !! I feel so blessed we have a healthy, happy growing girl !! As for the shots , I hated watching !! It made me so sad ! No joke , I pretty much cried more than her. I hate feeling so helpless in a situation, I could not wait to just pick her up and hold her close! My hubby and I spent the night cuddled with our little babe and watching over her extra close of course!! Thankfully she wasn't crazy fussy like I was anticipating ! She was pretty much her usual self & slept well ! She still had her same appetite and was up a couple times to feed during the night ! Surprisgly I was able to sleep through my anxiety as well with the occasional glance at her chest to make sure she was breathing ! But that's pretty much a nightly thing for me ! Like I said I'm one paranoid mama! Oh and I also had to keep touching her head to make sure she wasn't getting a fever! I wish I was one of those calm, cool, collective people. I don't know how they do it! Although they probably would say " I don't know how they do it" about a spaz like me! Still the next day I am watching her like a hawk! Oh motherhood :) ! Any who today is July 19th my husbands 26th Birthday ! Happy Birthday love, I hope your first birthday as a daddy is fabulous !! This is our 10th birthday together!! First one was when he was turning just 17 , I made him a personalized picture frame with our first picture we ever took. The picture was taken from a disposable camera & developed at walmart, I don't miss doing that !! We still have that frame & picture. He actually still has every little craft I ever made him & every note I wrote him through high school. I love that he saved it all !! Hopefully one day we can show them to Hadley & she can see how mommy & daddys love story began ! I hope everyone has a wonderful fun filled weekend.


Follow me on instagram // toriebliss

Happy 26th Birthday 

Snuggling with the babe after her shots lastnight!
She loves laying on her boppy pillow! This thing is amazing ! 

This morning being a happy baby! I have no idea how I captured this picture
but I think it's hilarious ! Thumbs up! 

Also if you have any ideas on blog posts you would like to see feel free to comment & let me know !! I have a few recommendations I will be writing about next week !! I would love to keep the posts coming at least every other day! I hope your all enjoying reading as much as I am writing !

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